Micah Rides a Bike

Once upon a time, in a land not-too-far away, there was a sweet little boy who wanted to ride a bike.  Well, he thought he'd like to ride a bike, but he wasn't too sure.   You see, all the other little boys on his street were riding their bikes every day, and some were even riding their bikes off jumps and down steep driveways!  But this little boy was more than a little nervous.  He had avoided his bike all year long, even though his mommy brought it downstairs so he could practice in the winter.  It wasn't that he didn't like his bike, (although he tried to convince his parents that a NEW bike would be so much easier to ride!) it was those dang training wheels. They were so wobbly!  And falling was scary!

One day he decided to give it a try.  He told his mommy he didn't need the training wheels, or the pedals, because he would like to attempt balancing.  His big sister told him this was how she figured out riding her bike, so he thought it would work for him too.  He made a deal with his daddy that as soon as he could balance on his bike without pedals, he would get his pedals back on.  So he started at the bottom of the driveway, and with each successful coasting experience, he would inch a little higher on the driveway.  Soon he was starting in the garage and coasting all the way across the cul-de-sac!  He was so excited!  His daddy put the pedals back on, and due in small part to some fierce determination, and in large part to a little competition (thank goodness for friends who are learning at the same time!), he was soon riding his bike all by himself!  And after a few days, he wouldn't stop riding his bike!

Now, he rides his bike every day, always taking great care to put on his helmet and biking (or baseball) gloves.  He loves his new-found freedom and can even be seen riding his bike off the curb!

And he lived . . . and biked . . . happily ever after.
