My Embarrassing Mother

by Livia.

My birthday was two weeks ago.  It was a pretty crazy time for my mom, but I loved every minute!  I got two parties (one friend one and one family one), and a magician, and TONS of presents, so I thought it was WAY fun!  I love my birthday!  My mom felt bad that she forgot to bring treats for my class at school.  (My teacher doesn't allow "real" treats, but we can bring stuff like pencils or one of my friend's mom brought hand sanitizer, which was pretty cool, so I gave my mom both those ideas and told her to pick something cool.  I really want a pencil sharpener for my desk, so I told her that too.)  So last week she said she was coming to my class that day and bringing something and it would be fun.  She said it would be silly and crazy.

Boy, was I in for it.

Here's how she came to school:

Yup--curlers in her hair, black mask on her face, bathrobe, slippers . . . the works.  She talked in this high weirdo voice and brought my "About Me" poster to show my classmates.  I was SO embarrassed!  It was like she was trying to make up for the fact that she was a week late by being extra weird.  Seriously, Mom?  The whole day my friends kept asking me if that's how she really talked, and if her face was like that a lot.  They went back to my poster and stared at the pictures of me until I wished my mom had taken it home with her.  

The ONLY good thing that happened was that I got a pencil sharpener.

Maybe I'll tell her I'll take the treats myself next year.



Tara said…
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! What an awesome mom! This is hilarious!
christy said…
Hilarious! I love it.