The Results . . .

So here is my strategic placement for the quilts Christmas morning: (can you see the flaw?)
(for the original story on this post, click here)

It's hard to see, so I'll fill you in: on the right is Livia's new bike, which Santa wrapped Peyton-Manning-style (betcha can't tell what it is!). So instead of the ooos and aahhhs that I anticipated, the Christmas Morning Video is filled with Micah excitedly screaming things like "Livia! this is for you! Livia! Santa brought you a bike! Livia, look!" and me trying to divert their attention: "Micah, what are you standing on? Micah, what are those? Micah, look DOWN!" : ) They did eventually notice them, and I got a brief (VERY brief) moment right then, but the best part was later that night as we were tucking them into bed and all of them insisted on sleeping with their new blankets. Daniel said, "Thanks so much for making these, Mom! They are SO awesome!" Aaaaahhhh . . . balm for my soul. : ) Livia has started sleeping with hers underneath her with the fuzzy part UP (she is my snuggler!), Micah has done the same a couple of times, and both Sophia and Daniel keep theirs on top.


Mission successful! : )


Janet Johnson said…
I am so impressed. Wow.
Tara said…
How do you do it??!